Claim Data Consulting Ltd.

Non-Pecuniary Damage

Damages for non-pecuniary damage serve as mitigation of suffer caused by violation of our personal rights (life, physical integrity, health, reputation, honour, human dignity, personal freedom etc.), and as compensation for deterioration of quality of our life.

The legal norms do not contain the full list of forms of violation of personal rights, neither offer a guide for the amount of damages, because it is influenced not only by the seriousness of violation but also by many other circumstances,

The situation of the injured person is not easy when defining the claim adequate to the violation of right. Is the claim too low, the client will come off badly, is the claim too high, he will suffer losses in the trial, if while acknowledging the fact of violation of right the court judges a much smaller amount as damages. If the difference is too big the costs of proceeding may exceed the amount of compensation awarded. That is, why defining the realistic amount of compensation based on the court praxis is very important.
